08.02.2018, 16:17 3850

Athlete from Kazakhstan sends "Hello" from the Olympic tracks

The hope of the Kazakhstan Olympic team skier Alexey Poltoranin is actively preparing for the first strata of the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang
The hope of the Kazakhstan Olympic team skier Alexey Poltoranin is actively preparing for the first strata of the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang.

On his personal Instagram page, the Kazakhstani athlete published the first photo from the Olympic track, saying: "Hmmm ... Hello to all from the Olympic tracks!".

We remind, that on February 9 in Pyeongchang, South Korean, an opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic games-2018 will be held. The competition will end on February 25. At the Olympic Games in South Korea, athletes from 90 countries will participate. There will be 102 sets of medals in 15 sports. Kazakhstan at the Games will be represented by 62 sportsmen.

Olympic starts will be held at 12 sports facilities located in two clusters. The mountain cluster of Pyeongchang will take athletes in ski disciplines, and the coast cluster of Gangneung in skating disciplines. Olympic villages will also be located in both clusters.

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