08.04.2019, 20:05 13523

Athletes from 53 countries to join Almaty Marathon 2019

On April 21, Almaty city will host the Central Asia's large-scale running event - Almaty Marathon - organized by Courage to be the First Corporate Fund.
On April 21, Almaty city will host the Central Asia's large-scale running event - Almaty Marathon - organized by Courage to be the First Corporate Fund.
This year's event is expected to attract the biggest number of participating countries. 10% out of 17,000 participants will be the athletes from 53 countries, such as Kyrgyzstan, Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Great Britain, India, the U.S. and more.
By tradition, the participants will compete in 42km, 21km (running and Nordic walking), 3km (for children aged 10-14 years) distances and in Ekiden race.
The funds raised from the marathon will be spent on construction of sports yards at three children's facilities.
The event is held under the organizational and financial support of Almaty Mayor's Office and other partners.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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