25.06.2018, 21:32 3625

Kazakh boxer knocked out Mexican in USA

He won over Josue Obando in the sixth round.
Kazakh boxer Meiirim Nursultanov had his seventh fight in professional career, Sports.kz reports.

24-year-old Meiirim Nursultanov had a landslide victory over Mexican Josue Obando (16-21-1, 12 knockouts) as part of boxing evening at Belasco Theatre in Los Angeles (California, USA) by knocking him out in the sixth round.

Some foreign media outlets highly praised Nursultanov’s skills. So, Boxing Esq reporter Kurt Emhoff spoke of him: "He is the prospect the fights of whom should be watched. A truly good fighter."

We note Kazakhstan’s club Astana Arlans congratulated the boxer on the victory.

Source: BNews.kz

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