04.12.2023, 09:23 52206

Kazakh female boxers win 3 gold medals at IBA Junior World Boxing Championships 2023

Kazakh female boxers win 3 gold medals at IBA Junior World Boxing Championships 2023
Images | Sports.kz
Three Kazakh female boxers - Tolganay Kassymkhan, Ayazhan Sydyk and Aissulu Mukhit clinched gold medals at the IBA Junior World Boxing Championships 2023 finals ongoing in Yerevan, Armenia, Kazinform News Agency reports via Sports.kz.

Ayazhan Sydyk who competes in a 54kg weight division defeated Indian boxer Amisha Kerketta by a unanimous decision of judges - 5:0, and brought the first gold medal for the Kazakh team.

Second medal was brought by Tolganay Kassymkhan, after she won over Russian Kira Leonova in a 60kg weight category by a split decision of judges - 3:2.

And the third medal was won by Aissulu Mukhit who fought vs Romanian Amalia Tugui and defeated her by a split decision of judges - 3:2.

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