08.01.2018, 20:48 3615

Kazakh figure skaters bring four medals from UAE

Kazakhstan's figure skaters brought four medals from the United Arab Emirates: 2 bronze, 1 silver and 1 gold.

FBMA Trophy, which is the first international figure skating tournament in 2018, ended in Abu Dhabi. Kazakhstan's figure skaters brought four medals from the United Arab Emirates: 2 bronze, 1 silver and 1 gold, Sportinform reports. Nikita Manko, a skater from Astana, turned out to be the best among juniors by scoring 139.30 points in free and short skating programs. Champion of Kazakhstan Alana Toktarova became second in the free and short programs twice and was also second among juniors by the sum of points (117.97). Among senior ladies Aiza Mambekova was third by scoring 121.25 points. The main challenger for the right to participate in the Olympics, Zhansaya Adykhanova, was seventh (92.65 points). Darya Vdovina from Aktobe city, who won the New York Middle Atlantic Figure Skating Championships last September, grabbed bronze as Advanced Novice. The next competitions for our athletes will start on January 22 in Chinese Taipei at the 2018 Four Continents Figure Skating Championships. And, on February 9, the figure skaters are expected to enter the Olympic Village.

Source: News Agency Kazinform

Photo: News Agency Kazinform

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