22.08.2024, 15:42 41421

Kazakh para-athletes left for Paris Summer Games 2024

Kazakh para-athletes left for Paris Summer Games 2024
Images | Kazakh Tourism and Sports Ministry
The first group of athletes of Kazakhstan left for Paris to compete in the XVII Summer Paralympic Games 2024. They are set to vie for top honors in sitting volleyball, para table tennis and para swimming, Kazinform News Agency quotes the Kazakh Tourism and Sports Ministry.

Notably, the national sitting volleyball team for the first time in 28 years seized a quota spot for the XVII Summer Paralympic Games. In addition, Kazakhstan won the country’s first-ever quota place in table tennis.

The para swimming team comprises the champion of the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Zulfiya Gabidullina, bronze medalist of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo in 2020 Nurdaulet Zhumagali, and winners of the international competitions Siyazbek Daliyev and Amir Muratbekov.

44 Kazakhstani athletes are set to defend the country's colors at the XVII Summer Paralympic Games 2024 in Paris. The national team secured 33 quota spots in nine sports including para swimming, para powerlifting, para athletics, para canoeing, para taekwondo, men’s sitting volleyball, shooting para sport, para table tennis and para judo.

Kazakh Paralympians bagged seven medals (two gold, four silver and one bronze) at the Summer Paralympic Games since 1996.

The XVII Summer Paralympic Games will be held between August 28 and September 8.

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