09.04.2018, 21:20 3724

Kazakhstan 4th at IIHF U18 World Championship

The Division I A tournament of the 2018 Ice Hockey U18 World Championship has ended in Riga, Latvia.
The Division I A tournament of the 2018 Ice Hockey U18 World Championship has ended in Riga, Latvia, Sports.kz reports.

The Kazakhstan national team secured two regulation wins over Norway (5-2) and Slovenia (7-1) and suffered three regulation losses to Germany (0-1), Denmark (2-4), and hosts Latvia (1-2).

As a result, having six points, the team is fourth in the overall tournament standings. Although Denmark earned six points too, it ranks higher because of its additional performance parameters.

The final standings are as follows:

Latvia - 15 points

Germany - 12 points

Denmark - 6 points

Kazakhstan - 6 points

Norway - 3 points

Slovenia - 3 points

Therefore, it is the national team of Latvia that gained the right to compete in the Top Division next year.

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