01.03.2018, 21:43 3956

Kazakhstan boxer Madiyar Zhanuzak won IBF belt in Macao

Kazakhstani pro-boxer in the lightweight (to 52 kg) Madiyar Zhanuzak won a landslide victory over Filipino John Mark Aleman
Kazakhstani pro-boxer in the lightweight (to 52 kg) Madiyar Zhanuzak won a landslide victory over Filipino John Mark Aleman, the sportsman’s PR service reported.

By the results of 10 rounds, Zhanuzak won over his rival by the unanimous decision of judges and gained the IBF title (International Boxing ederation).

We note, IBF B&R is a regional belt of the "Silk road" and connects the region of Asia, Africa, the CIS countries, the Baltics and Europe.

Source: BNews.kz

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