14.08.2021, 11:20 15719

Kazakhstan national boxing team will be 80% changed

State boxing coach Bakhtiyar Artayev called the team's performance at the Tokyo Olympics poor. He also noted at the final press conference that serious work on errors will be done, olympic.kz reports.

Our boxers won two bronze medals, failed to achieve the same results as at the previous Olympics in Rio.

Now we need work on errors, prepare properly for the upcoming World Cup in Serbia in order to show good results there. There are questions about training. We still cannot deviate from the Soviet time techniques. Three times a day workouts are very hard for boxers. Perhaps, changes are needed in the training process; we will consider the coaching staff issue too.
No one left the national team, everyone remained where they were. However, I can say that the composition of the national team will change by 80 percent compared to the Olympic Games in Tokyo. We have a reserve, youth, boxers who are professionals.
Also, as you know, AIBA has recently increased the number of weight categories to 13 for men and 12 for women. There will be a serious selection in both teams. Hopefully, we will see another boxing," Artayev said.
Source: Kazpravda.kz

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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