07.02.2022, 20:16 42961

Kazakhstan's biathlete Galina Vishnevskaya-Sheporenko qualifies for Olympic pursuit

Kazakhstan's biathlete Galina Vishnevskaya-Sheporenko qualifies for Olympic pursuit
Images | NOC | Sabirov
Kazakhstan's biathlete Galina Vishnevskaya-Sheporenko finished 44th in the women's 15km pursuit race at the 2022 Beijing Olympics, Kazinform cites Olympic.kz.
With one missed shot adding a minute to the total time Kazakhstani Galina Vishnevskaya-Sheporenko finished 44th in the biathlon women's 15km individual event at Beijing 2022. She was among 60 biathletes to qualify for the 10km pursuit race for women set to take place on February 13.
Germany's Denise Herrmann raced to an Olympic Winter Games gold medal. Anais Chevalier-Bouchet of France hauled silver and Marte Olsbu Roiseland of Norway bronze.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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