25.01.2018, 21:30 3205

Kazakhstan wins 17 Olympic skiing licenses

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has confirmed 17 Olympic quotas for Kazakh athletes.
The International Ski Federation (FIS) has confirmed 17 Olympic quotas for Kazakh athletes, Sportinform cites the NOC of Kazakhstan.

For the upcoming Winter Olympic Games, the Kazakhstan National Olympic Team has gained 6 cross-country skiing licenses: two licenses for men, two for women, and two more licenses that will be distributed by the coaching staff.

In Alpine skiing, we have now two quotas: 1 male and 1 female.

As to ski jumping, one Kazakh athlete obtained a license.

In freestyle skiing, the quotas were confirmed for three mogul skiers - two men and one woman. Besides, Kazakhstan obtained five freestyle aerials licenses (1 male and 4 female athletes).

Photo: www.mount.kz

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