23.06.2022, 16:25 24581

National Sports Festival kicked off in N Kazakhstan

The program of the festival includes competitions in bes assyk, assyk atu, togyzkumalak, Qazaq Kuresi, tuie paluan, zhekpe-zhek, kokpar, tenge alu, arm-wrestling, audaryspak.
Kyzylzhar-2022 regional festival of national sports kicked off in North Kazakhstan region on Thursday, Kazinform reports. The three-day festival brought together 900 athletes from 13 regions of the country. 
According to the local sports administration, the event will be held in several settlements of the Shal Akyn district. 
The program of the festival includes competitions in bes assyk, assyk atu, togyzkumalak, Qazaq Kuresi, tuie paluan, zhekpe-zhek, kokpar, tenge alu, arm-wrestling, audaryspak. 
The closing ceremony will be held on June 26.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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