09.02.2018, 21:43 3764

Opening ceremony of the Olympic Games began in Pyeongchang

One of the main messages of the Olympics in South Korea is harmony and integration.
In South Korean Pyeongchang, the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympic Games began.

Direct broadcasting from the opening ceremony started at 5:00 pm Astana time. The colorful ceremony began with a video clip, on which five children go to the fairy-tale world, they travel to the future. As the commentators say, the way of children opens it as the Korean people see it. Namely, they see a world in which nature and people live in harmony. Thus, one of the main messages of the Olympic Games is harmony and integration.

At the opening ceremony, a parade of athletes will be held, which will last 56 minutes. We note that Abzal Azhgaliyev was short-tracker awarded from Kazakhstan to bear the flag of the country.

For 102 sets of medals at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang 2,900 athletes from all over the world will compete. The Kazakhstan national team is represented in 9 sports and 11 disciplines.

Source: BNews.kz

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