05.07.2012, 13:08 63064

President of Kazakhstan to attend London-2012 Olympic Games

"I see that you feel the responsibility because you represent the whole country. It is your chance to prove that you have trained for a reason," President noted.

Almaty. July 5. Kazakhstan Today - President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met with members of the National Olympic Team on Wednesday at Akorda Presidential Residence, Kazakhstan Today reports.

At the meeting the President said he knew all the athletes, kept an eye on their achievements and that London 2012 Olympic Games was a turning point for Kazakhstani sportsmen, Kazinform News Agency informs.

107 athletes from Kazakhstan will compete in 20 sports at London-2012. "I see that you feel the responsibility because you represent the whole country. It is your chance to prove that you have trained for a reason," President noted.

"I don't think I have to encourage you. You are success-oriented. I have invited you to wish you a safe trip to London," Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

The Kazakh Leader is expected to attend London-2012 Olympic Games.

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