07.08.2024, 12:15 67461

Rare black stork captured by trail camera in Turkistan region

Rare black stork captured by trail camera in Turkistan region
Images | Depositphotos
A trail camera in Turkistan region captured a rare black stork listed in the Red Book.

This rare species stresses the importance of the park's work to ensure wildlife security and protection, it said in a statement.

Black stork inhabits ponds and rivers in the Bayanaul, Tarbagatai, Kolsai Kolderi, Karkarala Ile-Alatu, Katon Karagai, Zhongar Alatau, Charyn state national parks and West Altai, Almaty and Markakol state nature reserves. These areas play a key role in creating a favorable environment for this rare species.


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