02.07.2024, 11:39 11331

5 killed, 63 injured in gas explosion in Turkiye’s Izmir

Five people died and at least 63 got injuries as a result of a huge explosion in a restaurant of Torbali, a city in Turkiye’s Izmir province, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Emergency brigades, firefighters and police teams immediately arrived at the accident site. According to local authorities, residents were evacuated from the surrounding buildings.

The explosion damaged another 11 buildings and structures.

Police have already detained a suspect, who might be responsible. Earlier, the man had replaced a gas cylinder with a new one in this restaurant.

Governor of Izmir province Suleiman Elban said the authorities are taking all necessary measures to temporarily accommodate the residents whose houses were damaged or recognized as beyond repair.

In his words, temporary accommodation in hotels was arranged for all those willing. The buildings and structures are being examined.

A household gas cylinder exploded. After a thorough investigation of the situation, it will be known for sure whether there was any negligence on the part of staff or third parties. Technical malfunctions in gas supply are also not excluded," said Suleiman Elban


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