13.01.2024, 11:51 41161

8 dead, 8 missing in central China coal mine accident

Eight people were dead and 8 missing after an accident occurred Friday afternoon in a coal mine in the city of Pingdingshan, central China's Henan Province, local authorities said early Saturday, Xinhua reports.

According to the city's emergency management agency, as of 1:00 a.m. Saturday, out of 45 people left in the mine, 8 were dead and 8 missing. The rest people were all safe.

The accident happened at 2:55 p.m. Friday in a coal mine of the Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Mining Co., Ltd. Preliminary investigation showed that it was caused by a coal and gas outburst.

A total of 425 people were working underground when the accident took place, and 380 of them have been lifted out of the mine.

Rescue work is still underway. People in charge of the coal mine have been kept in custody by public security authorities.

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