28.02.2024, 12:16 32201

Bishkek hosts 2nd International Plus Forum Digital Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek hosts 2nd International Plus Forum Digital Kyrgyzstan
Images | Kabar
The 2nd International Plus Forum Digital Kyrgyzstan is taking place in Bishkek with the participation of Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Akylbek Zhaparov, Kabar reports.

In his welcoming speech, the head of the Cabinet noted that digital transformation today is sweeping the whole world, and digital innovation and technology are a new source of long-term economic growth.

Kyrgyzstan is taking active measures to create favorable conditions for the development and conduct of business, as well as for the comfortable life of citizens, introducing digital technologies and forming an open digital society," he said.

Akylbek Zhaparov also emphasized that this year Kyrgyzstan will adopt the first ever Digital Code of the Kyrgyz Republic, which should provide the legal basis for a digital breakthrough.

It brings together all digital regulations in one document, providing convenience for citizens, businesses and government agencies," he concluded.

The forum is attended by representatives of 29 countries, more than 1.5 thousand delegates, sponsors and partners of Digital Kyrgyzstan - more than 30 largest companies.

The forum program includes topics of digital society, fintech, payment business, information security, cash circulation, self-service banking, e-Commerce and offline retail, Islamic finance, cryptocurrency, Web 3.0., ChatGPT and other pressing industry issues.

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