23.07.2024, 20:40 43641

Ethiopian landslide death toll rises to 157

A landslide in southern Ethiopia has claimed more than 157 lives, the local government said Tuesday, Xinhua reported.

The landslide occurred Monday at around 10 a.m., local time, in southern Ethiopia's Geze Gofa district.

The local community is currently working to save the lives of the injured and provide shelter and food to the victims, said the Gofa Zone Government Communication Affairs Department in a statement.

The number of deaths has increased due to additional accidents on the people who went to the area for life-saving work. Teachers, health professionals, and agriculture professionals who were present early in the accident for rescue work have become victims of the accident, the local government said.

Ethiopian Red Cross Association and professionals from neighboring regions and zones are at the site, helping the victims.

The rescue work being carried out on the site is by manpower only. The local government has called on all Ethiopians to give any support and attention needed to the zone for further rescue efforts.

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