24.07.2024, 17:49 43441

Mudslides in Kyrgyzstan’s Jalal-Abad Oblast affect houses, hospital  

Mudslides in Kyrgyzstan’s Jalal-Abad Oblast affect houses, hospital
Images | Kabar
A number of objects were damaged as a result of mudflow in Bazar-Korgon region of Jalal-Abad Oblast, the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported Wednesday, Kabar reports.

As a result of the mudflow in Arstanbap village, 9 houses, a hospital, a trading house, 5 bridges, one kilometer of internal road were flooded, and 23 cars were washed away.

Rescuers started to work on liquidation of consequences today morning.

Owners of the affected cars are being clarified.

Special equipment of the Civil Protection Service is also involved. Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations Urmatbek Shamyrkanov is on the spot.


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