25.07.2024, 16:36 38516

Over 300 floods occurred in Kyrgyzstan since beginning of year

First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of Kyrgyzstan Azamat Mambetov provided information on consequences of floods occurred in the country since the beginning of the year, Kabar reports.

Duirng a press conference at Kabar News Agency, the deputy minister said that 311 floods have been registered in the republic.

Material damage exceeded KGS 1 billion 100 million. Taking into account the recent mudslides in the south of the country, the amount of damage will increase even more.

Mambetov added that 22 citizens died as a result of floods.

4551 residential houses and 68 social facilities were damaged as a result of floods.

The official emphasized that 6399 rescuers and local residents, 1067 units of engineering equipment were involved in operations to rescue citizens and eliminate the consequences of floods.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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