13.09.2024, 13:14 72986

Protocol signed to launch construction of a low-power NPP in Uzbekistan

The State Enterprise "Directorate for Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant" under the Uzatom Agency and the JSC Atomstroyexport (Engineering Division of Rosatom State Corporation) signed a protocol on the start of work at the construction site of the future low-power nuclear power plant in Uzbekistan, UzA reports.

The document was signed in the presence of Nikolay Spassky, Deputy CEO for International Relations at ROSATOM, and Azim Akhmedkhadjayev, Director of the Atomic Energy Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Today’s signing marks the transition to active work on the implementation of the first LPNPP in Uzbekistan and will allow us to begin direct work at the construction site soon", said Otabek Amanov, Director of the Directorate for Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant under the Uzatom Agency.

The protocol signed today confirms the fulfillment of the priority conditions in terms of regulatory and financial obligations of the parties. Rosatom’s Engineering Division is beginning to actively develop the documentation to obtain a license for the placement of the LPNPP and survey work at the construction site", said Pavel Bezrukov, Director of NPP Construction Projects in Central Asia at JSC ASE.


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