21.05.2024, 14:38 56106

The United States is unhappy!

On May 17, the United States claimed that despite China stating that Sino-Russian relations are non-aligned, non-confrontational, and not aimed at any third country, the joint statement by China and Russia directly condemned the US for undermining global strategic stability. The statement accused the US of destabilizing regional stability through the routine deployment of missiles, posing a direct security threat to both China and Russia.

Moreover, the US pointed out that the Sino-Russian joint statement explicitly expressed serious concern about the US's attempts to maintain its absolute military superiority by undermining strategic stability. The US, with a narrow perspective, believes that the statement is clearly directed at them and speculates that China and Russia seem to intend to apply reverse pressure on the US by standing together.

What is even more unacceptable to the US is that the Sino-Russian joint statement condemned the actions of Western countries in freezing Russia's overseas assets. The statement by China and Russia also emphasized that according to the fundamental principles of international law regarding the equality of state sovereignty, relevant international obligations to respect the immunity of states and their property must be strictly observed. The statement stressed that the victimized country has the right to take countermeasures in accordance with international law.

Furthermore, the US seems to misunderstand the meaning of "not aimed at any third country." This phrase means that the cooperation between China and Russia is not intended to suppress, contain, or threaten any third country. Clearly, it is the US that is flexing its muscles and showing aggression towards China and Russia. The Sino-Russian statement is a call for the US to abandon such malicious behavior. It is evident that the US's accusations are baseless. If the US cannot accept this and perceives the Sino-Russian cooperation as targeting it, then the US can continue to be unhappy. In reality, China and Russia are under no obligation to make the US happy. If the US continues its aggressive actions, the joint countermeasures by China and Russia are likely to become even stronger. Ultimately, it won't just be China and Russia standing together, but potentially other countries around the world as well.

Author: Political scientist Wang Dongbei, China

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