12.01.2024, 10:48 27696

US announce destruction of many targets as result of strike on Yemen

US announce destruction of many targets as result of strike on Yemen
Images | trend.az
US and UK precision-guided munition strikes against Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebels in Yemen have destroyed many targets,a representative of the US Armed Forces said at a special briefing for journalists, Trend reports.

According to him, "this is a strike carried out jointly with the armed forces of the United States and Great Britain against the Houthi forces in Yemen." They were supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands. According to a US army spokesman, the strikes "destroyed many targets in Yemen under the control of the Houthis."

Precision-guided munitions were used to engage targets and minimize collateral damage," he added. He noted that the goal was to "deny the Houthis the ability to attack naval vessels, including merchant ships and warships."


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