01.02.2018, 18:09 724

Burabay to become year-round resort - Culture Minister

Minister of Culture and Sport Arystanbek Mukhamediuly believes the Burabay resort area can become a year-round tourist attraction.
Minister of Culture and Sport Arystanbek Mukhamediuly believes the Burabay resort area can become a year-round tourist attraction.

While speaking at the presentation of the Burabay resort's prospects at the Nazarbayev Center on Thursday, Minister Mukhamediuly said that the resort is the gem of Kazakhstan's national tourism cluster which demonstrates dynamic growth in terms of domestic tourism (8% in 2017).

The third stage of the development plan of the Burabay resort until 2020 worth over KZT 61 billion is underway. Of 61 billion, almost half is private investments," noted the minister, adding that the overarching goal is to offer tourists year-round service.

Mukhamediuly stressed Kazakhstan needs to create conditions for the development of all kinds of tourism in the resort. To this end, it is crucial to implement large-scale international resort and sport projects.

Here we have Kazakhstan's Lapland entertainment complex built on the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, a ski center and another tourist attraction Abylaikhan's meadow," he pointed out. According to Mukhamediuly, those attractions can help develop winter tourism in the Burabay resort.

Likewise, the new republican ski base set to be opened in the resort in May-June 2018 will help attract tourists in winter. Mukhamediuly revealed that the base will occupy an area of over 120 ha. It will have a 200-room hotel, gyms, a swimming pool, a medical center, a 3,000-seat stadium and many more facilities.

The minister reminded that the resort will also become a venue for the Burabay Summer children's festival. The festival will bring together young talents from all corners of the world.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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