13.02.2006, 15:45 3192

Central Asian Antinarcotic center: one man is no man?

The headquarter of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Center (CARICC) on illicit drug trafficking will be located in Almaty. The director of the Tajik Drug Control Agency, Rustam Nazarov stated.

Regional cooperation has been adjusted, but there the work is not performed regularly, and only from infrequent operation to operation, the general-lieutenant expressed his regret. He also expressed hope that with creation of such center the officials in those countries will operate more effectively and professionally.

By Iliyas Mamashev

The headquarter of the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Center (CARICC) on illicit drug trafficking will be located in Almaty. The director of the Tajik Drug Control Agency, Rustam Nazarov stated.

Regional cooperation has been adjusted, but there the work is not performed regularly, and only from infrequent operation to operation, the general-lieutenant expressed his regret. He also expressed hope that with creation of such center the officials in those countries will operate more effectively and professionally.

However, it will be only local coordination in one region, and it is obviously not enough to oppose drug trafficking. Therefore, the Russian diplomats suggested at conference in Dushanbe two years ago to create some kind of drug international policy or the international antinarcotics coalition similar to antiterrorist organizations.

But, for now such coalition has not been created, and many structures operate in isolation. Good experience of officers activity of the so-called mini-Dublin group, engaged in information gathering and exchange, and also operative work in the European countries. Recently it actively cooperates with the states involved in " the Afghani triangle".

Wide drug aggression against CIS countries and Europe goes through Central Asian countries. Through northern corridor - Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - approximately half of all drugs come from Afghanistan. And only the small part of it detains: according to the information, it is more 10 percent. All the rest goes to the markets of the states of Commonwealth and Europe, and settles in such mega cities as Tashkent, Moscow and Almaty. Thus allocated budgetary funds for struggle with narco business cannot be compared to financing of "the black market" of narco business and with "white death" trade profit.

In the USA, about 20 billion dollars is allocated annually for the struggle against drug mafia, almost as much - for preventive maintenance, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. Besides, the government of this country, as well as the European Union, direct tens millions dollars to the aid of such countries, as Tajikistan, being on a first line of struggle against this trouble.

World community also allocated one million dollars to Afghanistan for creation of committee on struggle against drugs. After the termination of antiterrorist operation, according to the experts, laboratories and shops manufacturing heroin in this country did not become less. Small victories in this front – successful liquidation of groupings, detention of parties of drugs - do not change general situation.

For the last 6 years the Tajik and Russian frontier guards have detained 47 tons of opium, 20 tons - heroin. According to the UN Control drug and Criminal Сommittee, about 3 thousand tons of heroin is produced annually in Afghanistan. Production of more than 4,5 tons of heroin in 1999 in laboratories (totaled nearly 400) was a record. So the scanty part from all streams going by the northern (basically through Tajikistan) and Iranian-Pakistan route remains.

After falling Taliban regime, the government could not reduce the volume of drug production. This business is very profitable, and the social and economic situation in the country is too adverse. The area of crops of opium poppy reached 90 thousand hectares. 5 years ago 123 Afghani areas were engaged in the cultivation of opium out of 125!
Whatever the authorities have done to replace cultivation of opium poppy by other cultures and other employment. The farmers were compensated destruction of opium plantations - 500 dollars for an acre. But those demanded to increase this sum up to 5-10 thousand dollars. The government could not do that. And the farmers continue to work by narco dealers’ orders. Powerful stimulus: if one kilogram of heroin costs 3-4 thousand dollars in the country, in European cities its cost exceeds 50 thousand dollars for kg.

Tajik services have recently improved their technical base and personnel structure considerably. The Tajik border – the most spread: about 1400 kilometers. Even if to make each second citizen a frontier guard, you will not cover the whole border, people in Tajikistan joke. Besides, its most part is almost impassable mountain district and the rough river. Less than 40 kilometers of border can be supervised by means of technics and guards. Therefore, the government plans to direct the means for the organization of aviaparts and purchase of sentry boats. R. Nazarov gave an example of how Russian frontier guards transferred the Tajik colleagues two helicopters with their exploitation date expired as an illustration to today's equipment of special services in Tajikistan.

After Russian frontier guards left Tajikistan Afghani border the format of cooperation of two countries has changed. Now advisers of FSB of Russia help the Republic to prepare the staff in boundary armies and drug control Agency. And Tajik military offices began to cooperate with Afghani. So, the Tajik officers of communication work in three cities of Afghanistan, helping to adjust operative work. Afghanistan adjusted the border protection and special services conduct joint operations during which they already detained about 600 kgs of heroin and have destroyed heroin manufacture laboratories.

Tajikistan strengthens this work, allocating means for strengthening of frontier troops and drug control Agencies, on creation of strong services of drug trafficking counteraction. However, one man is no man. Therefore, the idea to create antinarcotic Coalition or narcointerpol has not been removed from the agenda.

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