01.08.2006, 16:19 18717

Interview Kazakhstan Today with Kazatomprom President Mukhtar Dhzakishev

Almaty. August 1. Kazakhstan Today - Last week Kazakhstan and Russia agreed on creation of three atomic engineering joint ventures. Joint ventures will be engaged in extraction of uranium in Kazakhstan, enrichment of uranium in Russia and development of innovative reactors of small and average capacity. The President of Kazatomprom Mukhtar Dhzakishev told about activity of new companies and prospects of cooperation in the nuclear industry between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in the interview with Kazakhstan Today correspondent.
Almaty. August 1. Kazakhstan Today - Last week Kazakhstan and Russia agreed on creation of three atomic engineering joint ventures. Joint ventures will be engaged in extraction of uranium in Kazakhstan, enrichment of uranium in Russia and development of innovative reactors of small and average capacity. The President of Kazatomprom Mukhtar Dhzakishev told about activity of new companies and prospects of cooperation in the nuclear industry between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation in the interview with Kazakhstan Today correspondent. 

Kazakhstan Today: Kazatomprom and Tehsnabexport are creating two joint ventures. How will joint venture shares be distributed? When will feasibility report be accepted? How much will be invested in the enterprises? 

M. Dzhakishev: Yes, Kazatomprom together with Tehsnabexport are creating two joint enterprises, the first - for extraction of natural uranium, the second - for isotope enrichment of uranium. Shares will be distributed as follows: 50 % - Kazatomprom, 50 % - Tehsnabexport". Investment strategy of the joint venture will be certain after development and acceptance of feasibility report. Feasibility report will be prepared in November, 2006. 

Kazakhstan Today: Where will Russian companies extract uranium on the territory of Kazakhstan? 

M. Dzhakishev: For today Russian joint venture Zarechnoe is carrying out extraction of uranium in the South-Kazakhstan area. Newly created joint venture will carry out extraction in Southern Kazakhstan. The final decision will be accepted on the basis of the feasibility report. 

Kazakhstan Today: What factories of Russia Kazatomprom will enrich uranium? Are you going to export uranium after enrichment to the third countries? 

M. Dzhakishev: The base factory is planned to be Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Industrial Complex, in the city of Angarsk as it was the last factory of the Soviet Union on the territory of Russia where the infrastructure is incorporated additional capacities and now they can be expanded. All production will be exported. 

Kazakhstan Today: Russian-Kazakhstan nuclear reactor with power units of new type will be constructed in Kazakhstan. Where exactly is it going to be constructed? 

M. Dzhakishev: Primary goal of the joint venture created by Kazatomprom and Atomstroyexport - to complete the project - estimate documentation and feasibility report requiring a few years. The issue of the site of nuclear reactor depends on power balance of Kazakhstan. At present, power deficiency is observed in three regions of Kazakhstan - in the East, Southern and Western Kazakhstan. These areas are considered as potential areas for construction of the atomic power station. 

Kazakhstan Today: What is volume of investments in the project? How are the shares of Kazakhstan and Russia supposed to be distributed? 

M. Dzhakishev: Shares in joint venture Kazatomprom and Atomstroyexport will be distributed 50 % by 50 %. The joint venture will be the owner of the project-estimate documentation of nuclear reactor with power units of new type VK 300. Specialized Kazakhstan Company will own the atomic power station and order its construction on the territory of Kazakhstan. Investments into construction of the atomic power station will be carried out by Kazakhstan, but the opportunity of attraction of other investors is not excluded. 

Kazakhstan Today: As it was informed earlier, Kazakhstan has been considering a few construction of the atomic power station sites. Have you chosen the site already? 

M. Dzhakishev: The platform for construction of the atomic power station has not been defined yet. 

Kazakhstan Today: When will official registration documents of creation of three joint ventures will come to the end? 

M. Dzhakishev: Agreements on creation of joint ventures have been already signed. The registration will require a month. 

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today
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