09.01.2006, 14:13 3213

Press center

Kazakhstan Today press center

The information about upcoming press conferences as well as its coverage is simultaneously distributed among the subscribers of the agency and published at the on-line sites www.kz-today.kz

The list of Kazakhstan Today subscribers includes state authorities, international financial institutions and banks, foreign and local news agencies, major national and international companies, newspapers, TV operators and many others.

Along with press conferences Kazakhstan Today organizes and conducts meetings, briefings and round tables. The current information is promptly published at the on-line sites www.kz-today.kz. Live internet translation of conference is planned to be hosted soon.

The press conference can be organized during 1-2 hours after the request.

The information about upcoming events will be distributed among all profile mass media independent of their presence in the meeting. The videotape will be also distributed among TV operators such as Khabar, ORT-Kazakhstan, KTK, NTK, Caspionet and others.

Timur Kuvatov, Chief
tel./fax: + 7 (727) 258 36 96
e-mail: [email protected]

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