28.04.2017, 19:46 9025

Mobile app to tell tourists about Kazakhstan

Mobile application named "Kazakhstan is a country of the Great Steppe", being the largest electronic encyclopedia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is designed for wide range of users.

Almaty. 28 April. Kazakhstan Today - Mobile application named "Kazakhstan is a country of the Great Steppe", being the largest electronic encyclopedia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is designed for wide range of users, agency correspondent reports.

The application contains introductory information about geography, history, culture, tourism and international relations of Kazakhstan. One can also find here hundreds of unique photos, videos, 3D-objects, panoramic tours, infographics and interactive maps in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

As the developers note, the application will become a helpful tool not only for foreigners who plan to visit Kazakhstan, but also for a wide range of users: tourists, students, researchers, journalists and representatives of the business community.

The application "Kazakhstan is a country of the Great Steppe" is available in the AppStore and Play Market, in the Windows format, as well as in the form of a web version.

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