02.11.2023, 12:46 129446

Around KZT 1 tn channeled in Kazakh capital’s economy since Jan

Around KZT 1 tn channeled in Kazakh capital’s economy since Jan
The investments into the equity of the Astana enterprises reached 959.2 billion tenge since the beginning of the year, Kazinform Agency quotes head of the city investments and entrepreneurship development department Temirlan Keldibayev saying at a briefing at the communication service.

The capital investments grew by 5.3% for the past nine months to hit 959.2 billion tenge. Astana leads in investments in housing construction and the non-resource sector and ranks third in total fixed investments.

793.7 million US dollars of foreign direct investments were poured in the first six months of the year which is 79% more as compared to the same period of 2022 with 442.7 million US dollars.

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