05.10.2024, 11:12 2031

Beet growers in Kazakhstan to receive payments for crop yields in nearest future

Under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin, the Government held a meeting on production and stabilisation of prices for basic foodstuffs. During the discussion, decisions were made to provide sugar factories with working capital and payment of subsidies to beet growers, primeminister.kz reports.

This year's gross beet harvest is expected to amount to 1.1 million tonnes, which will yield about 120 thousand tonnes of sugar. With the beginning of the harvest, beet growers have repeatedly raised the issue of subsidies and payment by factories for the delivery of beet for processing. According to the regulations, farmers receive subsidies of 25 tenge for each kg of beet, and the purchase price at the factories is 15 tenge/kg. In total, the farmer is entitled to 40 tenge per 1 kg of the crop submitted for processing.

By the decision of the Government at the end of September, the list of activities of socio-entrepreneurial corporations in Zhetysu, Zhambyl and Almaty regions, where beetroot is grown, was expanded, which will allow these corporations to finance sugar factories to replenish working capital at a favourable interest rate. The total amount of preferential lending to sugar factories from Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC is 25.8 billion tenge. The credit line has already been opened for the plant "Aksu Kant" in the amount of 15 billion tenge and allocated through SPK "Zhetisu" 1.6 billion tenge. Merken sugar factory has been granted a credit line for 10.8 billion tenge. This will allow sugar mills to pay sugar beet growers for the new crop in the near future.

To subsidise farmers for the delivery of sugar beet for processing (25 tenge/kg), the necessary funds will be allocated from the Government reserve in the near future. Payments to farmers will be made in stages in accordance with the established procedure. To reimburse the transport costs of farmers in Zhambyl region, who have to transport 100 thousand tonnes of sugar beet to Aksu sugar factory in Zhetysu region, the subsidy norm was increased from 25 thousand tenge to 45 thousand tenge per tonne.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Yermek Kenzhekhanuly informed about the results of the audit of food stocks in the regional stockpiles. A working group was set up for the audit, which included representatives of the Committee of Trade of MIT, Committee of State Inspection in the agro-industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, AZRC. According to the results of the audit, the declared state of stocks was confirmed. However, the audit in Aktobe region showed that not all forward contracts were concluded exactly with agricultural producers. Serik Zhumangarin gave the Akimat of the region a one-week deadline to renegotiate contracts with existing farmers. Trade Committee was instructed to assist in finding vegetable producers from other regions, ready to supply products to Aktobe region.

The meeting also noted the continuing deflation of basic food products: from the beginning of the year to 1 October the dynamics of price growth was -0.3%. Over the past week, the average price index remained unchanged, with zero growth rate.

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