03.07.2023, 18:33 63356

In Kazakhstan in 2022 the Industrial Production Index amounted to 101.2%

The Industrial Production Index (here in after referred to as IPP) amounted to 101.2%. In 2022, industrial products were produced in the amount of 48777 billion tenge, of which in the mining industry - by 24926 billion tenge (51.1% of the total volume), in the manufacturing industry - by 21162 billion tenge (43.4%), Bureau of National Statistics reports.

In the mining industry and quarrying in 2022 the IPP amounted to 99.1%, due to the decline in the production of crude oil (98.1%), natural gas (98.9%), iron ores (79.6%) and other minerals (96.2%).

In the manufacturing industry production increased by 3.6%. The growth was recorded in the production of food (106.4%), beverages (111%), tobacco products (108.9%), petroleum products (101.8%), chemical products (113.6%), rubber and plastic products (104.8%), other non-metallic mineral products (102.7%), basic noble and non-ferrous metals (106.9%), finished metal products (103.6%), mechanical engineering (110.8%).

In water supply, collection, treatment and disposal of waste, activities to eliminate pollution in 2022 the IPP was 95.8%. Volumes of collection, processing and distribution of water – 1.9%, collection, processing and disposal of waste; disposal (recovery) of materials decreased by 7%. An increase in production volumes was recorded in 13 regions of the Republic, a decrease was recorded in Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanay, Kyzylorda, Pavlodar and Turkestan regions.

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