05.07.2023, 09:01 76626

Investments in fixed assets in 2022 increased by 9.2%

Investments in fixed assets in 2022 increased by 9.2%
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In the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2022, investments in fixed capital at the expense of all sources of financing amounted to 15251.1 billion tenge, an increase of 9.2% compared to the previous year (in comparable prices), Bureau of National Statistics reports.

The main share of investments in fixed capital in 2022 falls on industry (48.4%) (including the mining industry and quarrying-29.2%), real estate operations (19.3%) and transport and warehousing (11.3%).

The predominant sources of investment financing remain the own funds of economic entities, the volume of which in 2022 amounted to 11 161 billion tenge or 73.2% of the total.

Of the funds raised, 15.5% were budget funds, 8.1% were other borrowed funds, 3.2% were bank loans.

In the regional context, there was an increase in investments in fixed capital in 18 regions of the republic. At the same time, the greatest growth was observed in the Kyzylorda region and the Zhetisu region (1.3 times), Pavlodar and Mangystau regions (1.2 times). A decrease in investments in fixed capital was recorded in 2 regions of the republic - in the Atyrau region (by 0.4%) and the Ulytau region (by 7.9%).

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