29.03.2024, 13:18 63806

Kanat Sharlapaev became acquainted with the "QazAlPack" LLP project on the territory of the "Ontustіk" Special Economic Zone

Kanat Sharlapaev became acquainted with the "QazAlPack" LLP project on the territory of the "Ontustіk" Special Economic Zone
Images | Ministry of Industry and Construction
This project is the first in Kazakhstan and Central Asia to start production of aluminum beverage cans. The factory has helped reduce dependence on foreign suppliers by 80% and created more than 330 jobs. The production process utilizes advanced technologies, ensuring the high quality of products, press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.

Annually, the factory produces 1.2 billion cans and 1 billion lids. Thanks to this project, aluminum packaging from "QazAlPack" has become an environmentally friendly choice, underscoring Kazakhstan's leadership in the innovative industry.

In total, within the "Ontüstіk" Special Economic Zone, 81 projects have been implemented, amounting to a total investment of 103.9 billion tenge and creating more than 4,600 jobs. There are 19 projects in the implementation stage, with investments totaling 3.6 billion tenge and the creation of more than 460 jobs.

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