23.02.2024, 16:04 48686

Kazakhstan and Turkey: New horizons for cooperation in copper wire production

Within the framework of implementing the directive from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, given on February 7th during the extended session of the Government to enhance investor support, a meeting was held between representatives of the industry committee and a delegation from the Turkish company "Proton Otomasyon". The company, founded in 2006 and specializing in the production of cable products in the Turkish province of Denizli, expressed its interest in implementing an ambitious project to establish copper wire production in Kazakhstan, press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.

Proton Otomasyon", which has executed numerous projects in the metallurgical and cable industries over the last 16 years, collaborating with partners in more than 20 countries across four continents, views Kazakhstan as a strategic site for further expansion of its business. Beyond its primary activities, the company also actively engages in the domestic textile industry and international trade, possessing warehouse capacities in Germany and Spain.

The realization of this project will be feasible provided that the requirements of both sides are met, including securing access to Kazakh raw materials at preferential prices, which will ensure the successful launch and operation of the prospective production. Currently, negotiations are ongoing, and both sides are actively working on detailing every aspect of the project, highlighting their commitment to mutually beneficial cooperation and further strengthening of economic ties between Kazakhstan and Turkey.

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