16.07.2020, 17:23 11042

Kazakhstan extends ban on fuels and lubricants imports

At the same time, the level of oil product reserves in the domestic market is at a fairly high level, so the supply of additional volumes of imported fuel can negatively affect domestic refining.
Kazakhstan has extended the ban on the import of fuels and lubricants. This measure is temporary and will last until September 1, 2020, Kazpravda.kz reports with reference to the press service of the RK Energy Ministry.
As the Ministry noted, the timely approval of the order of the Minister of Energy of Kazakhstan dated March 27 "On some issues of the supply of petroleum products to the Republic of Kazakhstan from the Russian Federation" made it possible to ensure a convenient balance between the volumes of produced and consumed petroleum products (the order expires in June).
At the same time, the level of oil product reserves in the domestic market is at a fairly high level, so the supply of additional volumes of imported fuel can negatively affect domestic refining.

In order to ensure the country's energy security, the Ministry of Energy introduces a ban on the import into the Republic of Kazakhstan of gas, aviation and diesel fuel by rail, road and pipeline. This measure is temporary – last until September 1, 2020," the Ministry noted.

Source: kazpravda.kz

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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