09.01.2024, 09:17 40046

Kazakhstan puts forth amount of tourist-catered hotel revenues

Hotels in Kazakhstan have served tourists for 175.7 billion tenge (about $384.5 million) from January through September 2023, Trend reports.

According to the official data, this figure exceeds the same period in 2022 ($282 million) by 36 percent.

At the same time, compared to the pre-pandemic level, this figure has almost doubled.

Meanwhile, in total, there are more than 4,000 tourist accommodation places in Kazakhstan. These include hotels, motels, boarding houses, children's camps, campsites, hostels, holiday homes, and more.

The Tourism Industry Committee of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Kazakhstan will continue to work to create comfortable conditions for guests, expand the range of accommodation, and improve the quality of tourism services. These efforts are aimed not only at meeting the needs of our visitors but also at supporting economic growth in the tourism industry. At the same time, this helps strengthen the reputation of Kazakhstan as an attractive tourist destination," said the acting chairman of the Committee, Nurtas Karipbayev.

Furthermore, Kazakhstan was visited by 834,900 foreign tourists from January through September 2023. Compared to the same period in 2022 (609,800), the increase was 37 percent.

At the same time, the number of local tourists in the country amounted to 5.4 million during the above period, which is 553,000 more than the same period in 2022. This figure also exceeds the pre-pandemic period by 1.3 million (from January through September 2019-4.1 million).

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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