25.12.2023, 12:13 92116

Kazakhstan records growth in construction industry

Kazakhstan records growth in construction industry
Kazakhstan has recorded more than 5.9 trillion tenge growth (5 918.9 billion) in construction industry in 11 months of 2023 which is 12.6% more compared to the same period in 2022, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the National Statistics Bureau.

The increase in the volume of construction works is linked to the growth in construction and repair of facilities (+24.9%) and non-residential buildings (+6.8%).

87.3% of construction works were performed by private companies, 12.5% - by foreign companies and 0.2% - by state-run companies.

The biggest volume of works was recorded in construction of non-residential buildings (19.5%), roads (14.8%) and residential buildings (14.2%).

In January-November 2023, the total area of new commissioned buildings made 17,296,800 square meters.

The total area of housing commissioned increased by 15.6% and reached 15,067,200 square meters. Of them, 9,107,900 square meters are apartment blocks and 5,862,000 square meters are individual houses.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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