20.05.2024, 11:31 20641

Production volumes in the railway industry increased by 2.4 times. machine building

In the first quarter of 2024, the output of railway engineering products grew 2.4 times compared to the same period last year, press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.

The same period last year. In the first three months of this year, this sector produced 141.3 billion tenge worth of products.

The largest growth in production was noted in such commodity groups as "Railway locomotives" (2.3 times - from 10 to 23 units); "Railway cars, non-self- propelled passenger cars and other special purpose cars special purpose" (8.3 times - from six to 50 items); "Railroad and tramway freight non-self-propelled wagons and platforms with non-skid sides of height non-skid sides more than 60 cm high" (from 0 to 309 copies).

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