17.07.2023, 13:22 73436

Recommended volumes of onion and carrot stocks have been formed in Kazakhstan

Recommended volumes of onion and carrot stocks have been formed in Kazakhstan
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Stabilization of prices for basic foodstuffs and measures to support domestic sugar producers were discussed in the Government. Over the past week, the price growth index for socially important food products on average in the country remained at zero, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

Taking into account the appeals of domestic sugar producers, Chairman of the Trade Committee Aidar Abildabekov noted that now the saturation of the market is due to cheap imported products, while sugar from domestic producers is in the warehouses of factories due to low demand. To support Kazakhstani producers, the issue of introducing a minimum wholesale price for sugar has been repeatedly considered. However, this decision was postponed until the end of the summer season.

«Earlier, as part of the implementation of new approaches to price stabilization, regional secs sent 14.3 billion tenge to sugar factories for the purchase of raw materials under revolving schemes. To support domestic sugar factories, we propose to restart financing under the revolving scheme, sending an additional 9 billion tenge of working capital. In addition, we consider it expedient to prolong the contracts concluded earlier by 1.5 years», — A.Abildabekov voiced the proposals.

Vice Minister of Agriculture Yerbol Taszhurekov reported on the progress of the regions' work on forward financing within the framework of the standard rules for the implementation of price stabilization mechanisms. According to the rules, the regions had to start forward financing of the purchase of autumn harvest vegetables back in February. In some regions, this work is still incomplete.

«It is extremely important for the regions to comply with the requirements for allocating 70% of financing to agricultural producers and processing enterprises. We will strengthen control over compliance with the terms of the contract within the framework of the standard rules. Appropriate proposals will be made for the regions where the requirements are not met», — the Vice Minister of Agriculture said.

According to Yerbol Taszhurekov, the recommended volumes of stocks for onions and carrots in the country have been formed. The work on potatoes and cabbage is still ongoing. In 5 regions, potato contracting volumes are below the recommended volumes. These are Atyrau Oblast (55%), Abai Oblast (65%), Ulytau Oblast (74%), Almaty Oblast (79%) and Akmola Oblast (92%).

The Vice-Minister of Agriculture noted the weak work of akimats and secs on cabbage contracting. So, in 10 regions, the volume of contracts is lower than the recommended volume of demand. Of these, three have reserves formed by less than 50%. These are the regions of Ulytau (30%), Almaty (45%), Astana (49%).The security monitoring showed that there are practically no contracts for flour in 8 regions or do not exceed 50% of the volumes recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture. There are no contracts for sunflower oil and rice in the Aktobe region.

«All regions need to correct the situation. Summer is the only time when we need to make a reserve for the coming year in order to stabilize prices. During the week, the price index for socially significant goods sold amounted to zero percent, although there should have been deflation with timely work. Following the results of the rice fair in Kyzylorda, the akimats of only eight regions signed memoranda for the purchase of rice. They have contracted 1.4 thousand tons of rice, while the country needs about 21 thousand tons. All regions should ensure timely fulfillment of the tasks outlined at the meeting», — Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin summed up.

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