12.06.2023, 12:37 48901

The mobile group has started round-the-clock duty at the "Altyn Orda" market

The mobile group has started round-the-clock duty at the "Altyn Orda" market
Images | Ministry of Trade and Integration
Last Saturday, at the weekly meeting on price stabilization for socially important food products chaired by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Trade and Integration Serik Zhumangarin, the price situation in the country and in the "Altyn Orda" market was reviewed, press service of the Ministry of Trade and Integration reports.

As the Acting Chairman of the Trade Committee of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aidar Abildabekov noted, a mobile group was created at the "Altyn Orda" market, which included representatives of the Financial Monitoring Agency, the Agency for Development and Protection of Competition, the Ministry of Trade and Integration, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Agriculture, Akimat of Almaty region. The group has already started on duty at the market around the clock. A telegram chat "Алтын Орда Open" and a single call center have been created to receive requests from sellers, suppliers, drivers and citizens visiting the market, and to respond promptly (8 7273 195 160, 8 747 059 7054). 100 free places for farmers' trucks have been identified, which will sell their vegetable products directly to market visitors. The places of sale are equipped with umbrellas, cameras are installed for constant monitoring. This will enable farmers to sell agricultural products directly to consumers without intermediaries. To access the market, farmers need to provide a certificate from the rural akimat.

Akimat of Almaty region needs to keep the work of the mobile group under daily control. 100 places for trucks are operational measures, suitable for the summer season. It is necessary to allocate stationary objects of trade on the territory of "Altyn Orda". And this applies not only to this market. I instruct all akimats to carry out similar work on markets and large retail facilities in their regions",- Serik Zhumangarin stressed.

Separately, the situation with the liquidation of intermediary schemes was considered at the meeting. According to the Trade Committee, 859 commission meetings have been held since the beginning of the year, 176 unproductive intermediaries have been excluded. During the week, 22 facts of excess of the trade allowance and exclusion of unproductive intermediaries were established. In particular, pasta, flour and rice were sold in Zhambyl region with a trade mark-up above 15%. After the explanatory work, the price of these products decreased by 10-25%. In the region of Ulytau, a warning was issued to an entrepreneur for exceeding the trade allowance.As a result, prices for sunflower oil and cabbage have been reduced by 25%", - Aidar Abildabekov said.

In general, over the past week, the increase in prices for socially important food products amounted to 0.1%. The highest increase in prices occurred for carrots (4.4%), potatoes (3.5%). At the same time, there is a decrease in prices for cabbage (-5.4%), onions (-1.6%). The price of sunflower oil (-1.7%), buckwheat (-1.5%), eggs (-1.4%), poultry meat and salt (-0.1%) continues to fall.

Separately, we analyzed the situation with the increase in prices for carrots, for which the highest growth index was recorded in 18 regions. As it became known, earlier the regions were offered to buy carrots from the producer of Taraz for 110 tenge. However, only Astana and Almaty made the purchase.

Vice minister of Agriculture Yerbol Taszhurekov presented the results of the work on the formation of reserves of regional stabilizing funds for the winter period. We have concluded agreements on the storage of grain potatoes in the amount of 77.6 thousand tons. tons, or 85% of the norm of demand for the present osenne-winter period, carrots - 23.5 thousand. tonne (91%), Luka - 22.3 out. tonne (152%), capers - 16 out. tonne (74 %).

Taking into account the recent changes in the Standard Rules for the implementation of price stabilization mechanisms for socially important food products, the free funds of the SEC should be allocated for forward financing of agricultural producers and processing enterprises. Regions with the smallest volumes of contracts need to take measures to conclude forward contracts with farmers. The list of potato, carrot, onion and cabbage producers has been sent to akimats",- the Vice Minister of Agriculture said.

Summing up the meeting, Serik Zhumangarin instructed the Ministry of Agriculture to check all contracts concluded by akimats for the autumn harvest for compliance with changes in standard rules and financial flows.

The changes require purchasing 9 commodity items only from manufacturers. The results of the inspection should be reported within a week", - Serik Zhumangarin said.


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