02.05.2024, 17:28 55601
AIFC helped attract over $11bln of investments to Kazakhstan
Images | Akorda
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received Renat Bekturov, Governor of the Astana International Financial Centre, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the Akorda press service.
The President was informed about the results of the AIFC operation in 2023 and Q1 2024 as well as on its development plans.
As Renat Bekturov said, since its launch, the AIFC has helped attract more than $11 billion of investments to Kazakhstan, including $3.5 billion in 2023 and in Q1 2024, having surpassed the initial target indicator set for 2025.
In 2023, the AIFC registered a record number of new participants - more than 670 companies (in whole, over 2,600 companies from 78 countries). The participants of the AIFC paid 48.7 billion tenge of taxes to the country’s budget in 2023 and in Q1 2024. The AIFC Court and the International Arbitration Centre are functioning successfully, having reviewed 767 commercial cases last year.
President Tokayev set a number of relevant tasks to ensure further development of the AIFC. In particular, he pointed out an important role of the AIFC in attraction of 'green funding' to the region and development of the Middle Corridor. More than 60% of 'green' obligations and loans in the country were issued with the support of the AIFC Green Finance Centre. Joint ventures are operating in the AIFC as part of implementation of the Middle Corridor project.
As Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stressed, government agencies and supervising financial institutions should consolidate their efforts in attraction of investments in Kazakhstan economy, by actively using the AIFC infrastructure.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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11.03.2025, 17:37 19486
Ministry of Trade and Integration: Monitoring shows no negative impact of single time zone on people's livelihoods
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The Government session paid attention to the issue of time zone. Minister of Trade and Integration Arman Shakkaliyev reported on the results of monitoring the practical impact of the transition to a single time zone on public health, energy consumption and labour productivity. Comprehensive monitoring was conducted with the involvement of the expert community, research institutes in the field of medicine, neuroscience, biophysics, genetics, astrophysics, physiology, deputies of maslikhats of all levels and stakeholders, primeminister.kz reports.
The results of the analysis showed that the transition to a single time zone does not have a negative impact on key indicators of the population's life activity. More than 40 metrics were studied, including the impact on health, energy consumption, labour efficiency, student performance, road traffic accidents and crime rates. The comprehensive approach included data analyses, surveys and comparisons of pre- and post-transition metrics.
Additionally, the Minister said that in a number of districts of East Kazakhstan region (Katon-Karagai, Markakol, Ulken Naryn, Zaisan, Tarbagatai, Samara, Kurchum) deputies of maslikhats supported the initiative to adjust the working schedule. Now it is from 8:00 to 17:30, which was positively assessed by the residents.
It is noted that the results of monitoring in early March this year submitted to the party faction in the Majilis.
As you know, the Head of State instructed the Government and Parliament to constructively consider this issue and jointly make a balanced decision. As noted in the report of the Minister, monitoring showed the absence of negative effects from the decision to introduce a single time zone," Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov noted and instructed to organise relevant work together with the Majilis of the Parliament.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.03.2025, 16:32 19351
Olzhas Bektenov instructs Ministry for Emergency Situations to ensure full preparedness for floods and coordination of work of central and local government agencies
Images | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered the issue of preparation for the beginning of the flood period in Kazakhstan. On the updated weather forecast data reported the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Yerlan Nyssanbayev. As of 11 March, the area of the country covered with snow is 71%, which is 15% less than last week. Snow melting has begun in the south of the country in Kyzylorda, Turkestan and Zhambyl regions, and in the west in West Kazakhstan, Atyrau and Mangystau regions, primeminister.kz reports.
In the case of rising temperatures and heavy precipitation in the form of rain in March, high talo-rain floods are possible along mountain rivers. In the central, northern and eastern parts of the country snow accumulation continues, two or more monthly norm of precipitation is expected in March. For example, in Astana in the first ten-day period has already fallen a monthly norm of precipitation," Yerlan Nyssanbayev emphasised.
The Minister also announced the regions where the risk of floods is the highest such as Aktobe region, Kostanay region, Karaganda region, Akmola region, North Kazakhstan region, East Kazakhstan region and Ulytau and Abay regions. Regions with medium risks include Almaty, Zhetisu, Zhambyl, West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions. With low risk are Pavlodar, Mangystau, Turkestan and Kyzylorda regions.
This year for the first time Kazhydromet has issued detailed information on each region. They specify maximum water levels and discharges, the volume of runoff by hydrological stations and the expected dates of the onset with the indication of specific settlements that are in the risk zone. Also, since last week Kazhydromet started issuing weekly hydrological forecasts. In case of sudden changes in hydrometeorological conditions Kazhydromet will notify about them by storm warnings 2-3 days in advance.
The head of the Government noted that while in the north of the country there are storms, snowmelt has begun in a number of regions.
We are approaching the active phase of the flood period. Akims to take flood issues under special control. To ensure flawless operation of all public warning systems. We need to intensify information and explanatory work in social networks and mass media. Ministry for Emergency Situations to ensure full preparedness for floods and coordination of work of central and local government agencies," Olzhas Bektenov stressed and instructed to prepare a meeting of the republican operational headquarters in the near future.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.03.2025, 15:30 19541
Science development and digitalisation issues discussed by Government
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The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered measures for the development and digitalisation of science, primeminister.kz reports.
Reports were made by Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Zhaslan Madiyev. The floor was given to representatives of the scientific sphere and IT-companies representatives were given to Saule Rakhmetullina, Rector of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, Beibit Abdikenov, Associate Professor of Astana IT University, Alexander Avdeev, Deputy Director General of the Institute of High Technologies of Kazatomprom, Ablay Sargaskayev, Head of VR startup Uniblock and Salamat Kabdulov, Head of Dereknet startup.
In Kazakhstan, 25,473 scientists work in the field of science and 425 scientific organisations operate. 2,094 scientific projects, 241 scientific and technical programmes and 208 commercialisation projects are being implemented. As part of the digitalisation of science, modules on scientific organisations, scientists, projects and programmes have been integrated. The integration of the Single Window of the national innovation system with the IS of state bodies has been completed.
Prime Minister stressed that within the framework of the instructions of the Head of State to maintain the pace and quality of reforms in the field of science, optimal conditions are being created. For 6 years its financing from the republican budget has increased 6 times and amounted to 252.5 billion tenge this year. According to the Concept of Science Development until 2029, the financing of the sphere will increase to 1% of GDP (in 2014 - 0.14%). To stimulate business investment in science, tax incentives have been introduced from 1 January 2025. Specific measures have been taken to provide social support to scientists. Scientists engaged in fundamental research in priority areas of science receive direct funding.
Every year, more than 250 young scientists undergo internships in the world's leading scientific centres. The number of educational grants for doctoral programmes is increasing. The share of young people in science has noticeably increased; today it is 46 per cent. To further attract young people to science, it is necessary to more actively develop university research.
Olzhas Bektenov noted that branches of foreign universities opened in Kazakhstan should play an important role in the development of science, integration of the country into the global academic community. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education has been instructed to intensify work to attract top foreign universities in Kazakhstan.
Also, attention is focused on the need to create science-intensive areas - science cities, which can give an impetus to the development of science, technology and innovation.
The issues of commercialisation of scientific developments remain important. Each institute or university should have a partner in the form of a large enterprise, which will give targeted orders and co-finance the costs. Such successful examples of scientific developments exist today - a technology for obtaining refined selenium, developed by the Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment together with the Corporation Kazakhmys, as well as projects aimed at improving the efficiency of mining and processing of minerals.
Prime Minister emphasised that there is a big and serious work to be done to improve the efficiency of domestic science, its investment attractiveness, openness and transparency of all processes.
In this regard, Olzhas Bektenov made a number of instructions to the ministries and relevant government agencies.
- The Ministry of Science together with the interested state bodies have been instructed to develop a concept for the creation of science cities, taking into account the territorial concentration of scientific institutions and innovative production enterprises.
- Akimats together with the ministries of national economy, science, finance to work on decomposition of indicators and measures for the development of science in the context of regions. Each akimat should take comprehensive measures to develop regional science with scientific and technological sessions.
- Ministries of Science and Digitalisation to launch the Digital Science Portal by the end of this year. It should integrate databases of all scientific projects, grants, research results and publications.
AI technologies should also be used to accelerate the implementation of innovative projects, research and development.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
11.03.2025, 14:56 18916
President Tokayev receives Governor of Abai region Berik Uali
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received today Governor of Abai region Berik Uali, Kazinform News Agency reports citing the Akorda press service.
Berik Uali reported to the President that a detailed analysis of the regional budget revenues and expenses had been conducted. The optimized funds will be spent on tackling the region’s most pressing issues.
The region has developed 24 investments projects worth 2.2 million tenge by 2028, with the creation of more than 8,000 jobs.
Five schools and a palace of schoolchildren are being built in the region under the Comfortable School project.
A new bridge across the Irtysh River is being constructed.The issue of construction of a bypass around Semey is being explored.
Berik Uali was tasked, jointly with the Government, to study the ways to accelerate the region's development and gradually solve urgent problems.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted the need to focus on development of the region’s processing industry, creation of new permanent jobs, landscaping and infrastructure development issues.
Berik Uali was appointed the Governor of Abai region on February 17.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
06.03.2025, 17:07 31766
Olzhas Bektenov discusses investment projects in Alatau city with CAMCE head Li Haixin
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Within the framework of fulfilment of the Head of State's instruction to strengthen work on attracting investments into the country's economy, the Government has strengthened interaction with business representatives for prompt resolution of existing issues and timely launch of investment projects, primeminister.kz reports.
Today Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting with the President of Chinese company China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CAMCE) Li Haixin.
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. is a leading international engineering company that implements complex EPC projects in infrastructure, industry and energy development in more than 60 countries and is a member of China's largest state-owned machinery conglomerate Sinomach Group (China National Machinery Industry Corporation).
President of the company Li Haixin voiced a number of proposals on the prospects of investment cooperation in the development of transport, logistics and industrial infrastructure of Alatau city. Attention is paid to cooperation in the development of the ‘Middle Corridor’.
One of the priorities of the Government is to create the most comfortable investment climate. This will help attract foreign direct investment into the real economy and ensure the implementation of important projects for the country, create new jobs. Over the past six years, the volume of foreign direct investment attracted to the country amounted to about $130 billion. At the same time, the measures initiated by the Head of State to increase the attractiveness of non-resource industries are yielding results - foreign investment in the non-resource sector amounted to $72.7 billion, that is, foreign partners began to invest more in the processing industry," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.
As a result of the meeting, the relevant government agencies have been instructed to work out the investment proposal in detail.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 17:38 109246
President tasks to enhance diversification of East Kazakhstan region’s economy
Images | Akorda
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Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has received today the governor of the East Kazakhstan region, Nurymbet Saktaganov, Kazinform News Agency learned from the Akorda press service.
According to the governor, over 400,000 square meters of housing were commissioned in the region and 46 new productions facilities were opened.
18 healthcare facilities were opened and another six were overhauled under the "Rural Healthcare Modernization" national project.
Five schools were commissioned under the Comfortable School national project, with seven more to be built to address the shortage of school places.
Together with the Otbasy Bank a regional preferential mortgage program has been launched to support the representatives of working professions.
By the end of 2026, the region plans to completely solve the problem of drinking water. Eight water supply projects worth 14 billion tenge will be implemented for this purpose.
In the nearest two years, local authorities plan to attract at least 1.5 trillion tenge of investment, to build 700 thousand square meters of housing, 28 social facilities and repair more than 600 kilometers of roads.
The President set a task to enhance the work in diversification of the region’s economy, expand the export of processed products and attract investment.
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted that priority attention should be given to tackling ecological problems and improvement of transport infrastructure.
Earlier, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev set a number of tasks to Ulytau region's governor Dastan Ryspekov, regarding transport and logistics capacity expansion, infrastructure modernization, quality provision of medical services, ensuring the safety of people's drinking water and addressing environmental issues.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 14:44 109046
President Tokayev gives instructions to Ulytau region governor Dastan Ryspekov
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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev received governor of Ulytau region Dastan Ryspekov, Kazinform News Agency cites Akorda.
Tokayev was briefed about the outcomes of the social and economic development of the region as well as plans for the upcoming period.
The Kazakh President was informed that over the past year, Ulytau region posted an 8% growth in its industrial output. The region also saw construction and housing commissioning rise 28% and 30%, respectively.
According to Ryspekov, over 266 billion tenge worth of investments, of which private investments made up 89%, were attracted to the region in 2024. A 940bn tenge investment pool has been formed, with 17 projects worth 138 billion tenge are set to be implemented this year. Construction, trade and logistics, alternative energy sources and tourism are among the most attractive areas for investors.
The Head of State was also reported on the current heating season as well as the Taza Kazakhstan environmental campaign.
The President was briefed about the joint work with the government to ensure the safety of citizens engaged in hazardous industries. Ryspekov spoke about the assistance rendered to the family members of the miners killed in the recent accident at the mine operated by Kazakhmys Corporation.
During the meeting, Tokayev highlighted the importance to continue the work with major subsoil users to raise social responsibility of business.
Following the meeting, the President gave tasks to governor Ryspekov regarding transport and logistics capacity expansion, infrastructure modernization, quality provision of medical services, ensuring the safety of people's drinking water and addressing environmental issues.
Earlier it was reported that President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev had held a meeting with governor of Turkistan region Nuralkhan Kusherov.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
05.03.2025, 10:35 112221
Construction of 13 thousand km of motorways planned in Kazakhstan
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During the Government session, Transport Minister Marat Karabayev made a report on plans for the development of the road sector, primeminister.kz reports.
He noted that last year 12 thousand km of motorways were covered by repair works.
This year construction works are planned above the level of last year, it is 13 thousand kilometres. Of these, projects on 9.5 thousand kilometres are fully funded," Karabayev reported.
It was noted that for the remaining 3.6 thousand kilometres the issue of financing is being worked out with international financial institutions. These are new projects Zhezkazgan - Karaganda, Aktobe - Ulgaisyn, Atyrau - Dossor, bypasses of the cities of Saryagash, Rudny and Kyzylorda, as well as repair work on roads with a total length of 3.6 thousand km.
Currently, an agreement has been reached with IFIs to finance these projects. By the decision of the Coordinating Council for each project sources of financing have been identified, feasibility studies have been developed, tender procedures are being conducted to identify contractors under the terms of IFIs.
According to the Minister, in order to attract domestic companies to carry out construction works, the IFIs have revised the competitive conditions with the provision of preferences to our companies when participating in tenders. The measures taken allowed to increase the number of domestic companies participating in tenders. For example, for the project ‘Karaganda-Zhezkazgan’ the number of participating companies has reached 10, while before the change of conditions this number was no more than two. Contracting organisations will be identified for all the above projects in the second quarter of this year.
The second direction is infrastructure projects in the railway industry. Construction and repair works are planned for 5,000 kilometres of roads this year, of which 2.4,000 kilometres are financed. The remaining 2.6 thousand kilometres are planned as part of the implementation of the Head of State's instruction to develop the Trans-Kazakhstan railway corridor, given at an extended Government session.
In this regard, the following new projects will be implemented:
- Construction of a new line Kyzylzhar - Moyinty;
- Modernisation of the Altynkol - Zhetygen section with construction of double-track inserts and Beineu - Mangystau section with construction and extension of receiving and delivery tracks;
- Introduction of modern autoblocking systems on the Kyzylzhar - Saksaulskaya, Shalkar - Beineu, Kandyagash - Tobol, Alimbet - Nickeltau and Aksu - Degelen - Zhana-Semey sections;
- As well as the reconstruction of 53 railway stations.
Currently, the minister said, negotiations with international financial institutions are being held to secure financing for these projects.
In general, the implementation of these projects will achieve a total multiplier effect over 20 years in the form of tax revenues and other payments at the level of 11 trillion tenge. Implementation of the projects will provide contribution to GDP growth at the level of about 0.4%-1% in the period of 2025-2029," Karabayev said.
For all projects in April this year it is planned to start construction and installation work. The Minister dwelt separately on the reconstruction of railway stations. According to him, 5 railway stations have been reconstructed to date. By the end of the current year will be carried out repair of 53 more railway stations, including those for tourist destinations. Repair of the railway station area will be provided by local executive bodies in parallel.
This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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