11.02.2025, 17:40 211476

Kazakhstan intends to increase yields in agriculture by introducing digital technologies

Kazakhstan intends to increase yields in agriculture by introducing digital technologies
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Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Dmitriy Mun reported at the Government session on the ongoing work on the implementation of innovative digital solutions in agriculture, primeminister.kz reports.

He said that the digitalisation of agriculture helps to use land more efficiently and facilitate the work of farmers.

For this purpose, we are introducing intelligent land management systems. We extract valuable information from big data. As a result, the economy grows and products reach from the producer to the buyer faster and easier," Dmitriy Mun said.

It was noted that today the Ministry of Agriculture provides 93 public services. Of these, 98 per cent are provided online. In 2024, more than 2.6 million electronic services were provided.

In addition, Kazakhstan is conducting satellite monitoring of land. In the past, checking the rational use of land was complicated. Inspectors travelled to the field and checked everything manually. All work was done on paper. The state databases were not connected with each other. Today this process has been simplified thanks to digitalisation. The Ger Inspector system has been launched, under which the following measures have been taken:

Satellite monitoring has been introduced - the entire territory of the country is now under control.

Landowners receive automatic notifications via SMS and personal accounts.

A unified database accessible to all state agencies has been created.

Now 116 million hectares of agricultural land are under monitoring. Since 2022, 12 million hectares of land have been returned to state ownership due to inefficient use. In 2025, it is planned to return another 2 million hectares. 5 million hectares of agricultural land have been redistributed for the local population," Dmitriy Mun said.

Deputy Minister added that the use of satellite monitoring and geo-analytics, autonomous robots and drones, proper forecasting can increase crop yields by 10-15%, reduce water consumption by up to 25%.

Such technologies are widely used, for example, in the Netherlands - the second country in the world in terms of agricultural exports," Dmitriy Mun explained.

Kazakhstan also plans to introduce AI agents to automate key processes in agriculture. In particular, such projects as:

  • Chat-bot assistant with AI elements for subsidising agricultural applications - AI automatically checks applications and reduces the percentage of rejections due to incorrect data (errors are down from 30% to 5%).
  • Intelligent soil analysis system - reduces manual labour by 75-80%, improves recommendation accuracy by up to 95%.
  • Drones with AI for pest control - reduces crop losses by 25-30%.

Implementation of these projects is planned for 2025-2026.

It is noted that Astana Hub is actively helping to introduce digital technologies in agriculture. Startups from Astana Hub earned 4.7 billion tenge. New jobs have been created.

Digitalisation is a key factor in sustainable and competitive agriculture. Modern digital technologies have been introduced in Kazakhstan to ensure transparency of land data, effective monitoring of resources and reduction of bureaucracy. Kazakhstan's IT companies are developing world-class solutions to increase yields, reduce costs and manage risks. The goal for the future is to widely implement digital technologies, expand cooperation between government, business and science, as well as the use of IoT, drones, AI and Big Data," Dmitriy Mun summarised.


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