11.02.2025, 19:52 211431

Over 400 thousand tonnes of discounted diesel fuel prepared for agrarians for spring field work

Over 400 thousand tonnes of discounted diesel fuel prepared for agrarians for spring field work
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Measures to provide diesel fuel to agricultural producers in preparation for spring field work were discussed at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov. Energy Minister Almassadam Satkaliyev made a report, primeminister.kz reports.

According to him, January 30, the Ministries of Energy and Agriculture approved a schedule for the delivery of 401 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel for spring field work in 2025. Delivery will be carried out in the period from 1 February to 30 June 2025.

Previously, for 2 years, the price was held at 228 tenge per litre with delivery to the regions, which meant the final price - 250 tenge at agricultural producers with VAT, the margin of operators for the supply of diesel fuel - 22 tenge per litre, which is much higher than the margin of gas stations with lower operating costs.

The minister added that on 30 January 2025 the state regulation of AI-92 and diesel fuel prices was cancelled. The current price of diesel fuel recommended by the Ministry of Energy is 232 tenge per litre to the destination station in the regions. The final price is set by regional operators and may be 254 tenge, which is 45 tenge cheaper or 15% lower than the retail price of petrol stations.

To ensure transparency and control over the movement of diesel fuel for agrarians, measures have been taken:

  • separate PIN codes have been obtained;
  • colouring of diesel fuel in yellow, blue and red colours;
  • creation of a separate virtual warehouse for diesel fuel in the electronic invoice system.

According to Almassadam Satkaliyev, shipments will be carried out by refineries on a priority basis in strict accordance with applications, payment and delivery of railway wagons by operator companies determined by regional Akimats.

To date, operators have been selected only for Kyzylorda region - 480 tonnes out of 9,980 tonnes or 4.8%. However, payment has not been received yet. In this regard, in order to provide farmers with diesel fuel in a timely manner, the head of the Ministry of Energy recommended to accelerate the selection of companies-operators to accelerate the shipment of fuel and lubricants and prevent overstocking of reservoirs of the GPP.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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