Progress in preparation for spring field work: increasing profitable crop areas and supervision over funds targeted use reviewed in Government
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At the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered issues of preparation for spring field work. Minister of Agriculture Aidarbek Saparov, Minister of Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev, as well as akims of a number of regions reported on the current situation, reports.
In 2025, it is planned to sow crops on an area of 23.8 million hectares, which is 518 thousand hectares more than in 2024. The sown area of grain and leguminous crops will be about 16.6 million hectares (16.7 million hectares in 2024). The area of oilseed crops will increase by 365 thousand hectares, reaching 3.3 million hectares, including an increase in sunflower crops by 50.6 thousand hectares to 1.3 million hectares. It is also planned to increase potato crops by 14.9 thousand hectares, bringing the area to 136.8 thousand hectares, and buckwheat crops will increase by 41.5 thousand hectares to 147 thousand hectares. The area of sugar beet in 2025 will amount to 18.4 thousand hectares. The area of fodder crops will increase by 184 thousand hectares, reaching 3.4 million hectares. Cotton crops will cover 135.2 thousand hectares, and rice - 90.2 thousand hectares.
As for the provision of fuel and lubricants, 401 thousand tonnes of diesel fuel have been allocated for spring field work this year (taking into account the volume of production at the refineries). A schedule of assigning areas to refineries for the shipment of diesel fuel has been approved, and a fixed price of 232 tenge per litre to the destination station has been set.
Taking into account the costs of operators, the final cost of diesel fuel for agricultural producers will be 254 tenge per litre, which is 13-15% lower than the market price, which is 295-300 tenge per litre at gas stations.
Meanwhile, the akim of Turkestan region Nuralhan Kusherov said that in their region have already started field work. Also in Akmola region, according to the Akim of the region Marat Akhmetzhanov, this year it is planned to increase the area of potatoes by 352 hectares, and the total planting of potatoes will be 8.9 thousand hectares, which is 1.1 thousand more than in 2024.
Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov stressed that the Head of State paid special attention to the development of the agricultural sector as one of the flagships of economic growth. In his report, the Head of the Government emphasised the need to expand sown areas under profitable crops, export-oriented and with high market demand.
This year the volume of financing of field work has been increased to 700 billion tenge, and funds for leasing services have increased to 200 billion tenge. More than 400,000 tonnes of discounted diesel fuel for agrarians have already been allocated.
All these measures, Olzhas Bektenov said, are aimed at a successful sowing campaign.
The state has taken all the necessary measures to carry out sowing operations. It is important to ensure effective and organised implementation of these measures. The Ministry of Agriculture should direct preferential lending only to support efficient and conscientious farmers," Prime Minister pointed out.
He stressed that akimats should constantly monitor the targeted use of allocated funds.
In addition, according to him, there is a need to provide agrarians with quality seeds, and the emphasis was placed on stimulating domestic producers. He also pointed out the importance of strict compliance with agricultural technologies, timely application of fertilisers and the use of plant protection products.
The plan of fertiliser application in Kazakhstan is only 59% of the scientifically justified norm, and the technical readiness of agricultural machinery is 75%. Olzhas Bektenov pointed out that by the beginning of mass sowing this indicator should be brought to 100%.
During the Government session, the head of the Government gave a number of instructions to ministries and akimats:
- For effective state support the Ministry of Agriculture together with the Holding Baiterek should take measures to optimise and simplify the procedures for lending and subsidies.
- The Ministries of Energy, Agriculture and regional akimats should ensure control over the supply of cheaper fuel in the established volumes. Akimats should provide complete data on regional operators within a week. I instruct to apply the strictest measures against companies and individuals who allow misuse of distributed fuel.
- The Ministry of Water Resources together with the Ministry of Agriculture and akimats should take measures for uninterrupted supply of irrigation water to farmers. Akimats should take measures on snow retention and moisture accumulation.
Prime Minister also stressed that the issues of timely conduct of spring field work are under special control.
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