23.08.2023, 13:03 60496

Rescuers recover body of 10th victim of mass drowning in Turkistan region

Rescuers recover body of 10th victim of mass drowning in Turkistan region
Images | t.me/qr_tjm
Rescuers found body of the 10th victim of mass drowning, which occurred in the Syrdarya river in Turkistan region on Monday, Kazinform reports.

The body of the minor was retrieved from water at 10:40 am.

The search for the last victim is ongoing.

150 crews are involved search and rescue works.

The tragedy occurred on Monday, August 21, at 05:40 pm in Otyrar district of Turkistan region, three kilometers away from Koksarai village, in the Syrdarya river, when 11 people drowned at one and the same time.

As per preliminary version, four families of 20 people were resting on the wild beach after a party. All of them are relatives.

«They all knew that it was an undesignated swim area. None of them took swimsuits. A little girl sitting on the shore fell into the water. Her parents jumped into the river to save her. We suppose they were unable to get out because of a strong current. Neighbors and relatives helped other family members,» local administration says.

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