20.06.2024, 16:19 32936

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Indonesia is Accredited to ASEAN

Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Indonesia is Accredited to ASEAN
Images | Kazakh MFA
A ceremonial event was held at the headquarters of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) where the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Indonesia Serzhan Abdykarimov presented his letter of accreditation to the Secretary-General of ASEAN Kao Kim Hourn, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

The diplomat conveyed warm greetings from the leadership of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, emphasizing that Kazakhstan recognizes the important role of ASEAN in ensuring peace, security, and development in the region. He expressed the country’s readiness to continue strengthening cooperation with the Organization and its member states in all areas of mutual interest.

The parties discussed opportunities and new prospects for interaction within Kazakhstan-ASEAN, CICA-ASEAN, and Central Asia-ASEAN formats.

The Secretary-General of ASEAN Kao Kim Hourn wished the Ambassador success and fruitful activities in the future.

ASEAN (10 states: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) is one of the largest regional organizations with a combined population of 690 million people and a GDP of 3.6 trillion US dollars. (by the end of 2022) and a trade turnover of 3.6 trillion US dollars (by the end of 2023). The Organization embodies a successful example of Asian integration, is the basic structure for building multilateral regional cooperation and, in general, plays an important role in the Asia-Pacific region.

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