25.06.2024, 14:25 61556

Experts from Central Asia, S. Korea talk rare minerals

Experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and South Korea discussed the region's mineral resources at the 2024 Korea-Central Asia Next-Generation Dialogue on Monday, press service of the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.

This year, the dialogue focused on global supply chain cooperation, with "core minerals" aligning with President Yoon Seok-yeol's agenda during his recent visit to Central Asia.

The Korean government plans to enhance cooperation in key mineral supply chains with Central Asian countries through the "K-Silk Road" initiative.

South Korea's new diplomatic strategy seeks to connect Asia and Europe by deepening ties with Central Asia.

Speaking with The Korea Herald [https://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20240625050458] on the sidelines of the forum, Kazakhstan's Deputy Chairman of the Industry Committee, Turar Zholmagambetov, discussed Kazakhstan's ambition to become a midstream country in battery materials and plans to establish five plants producing lithium cathode, nickel, and cobalt within the next four to five years.

KIGAM is currently exploring lithium in Kazakhstan. After this, we plan to produce pyroxene in spodumene and eventually lithium cathode," Zholmagambetov told.

Spodumene is a lithium aluminum silicate mineral crucial as a commercial source of lithium.

Currently, we produce high-purity manganese cathode, holding a 5 percent share of the global market. Next year, we aim to increase this share to 11 or 12 percent with two highly anticipated projects," Zholmagambetov added.

The forum is seen as a step forward in South Korea's strategy to build stronger supply chain partnerships with Central Asia to connect Asia and Europe through enhanced cooperation in the key mineral sector.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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