14.06.2024, 19:50 50071

Kazakhstan and Lithuania Strengthen Cooperation in Foreign Policy Planning

Kazakhstan and Lithuania Strengthen Cooperation in Foreign Policy Planning
Images | www.gov.kz
As part of agreements’ implementation between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan and Lithuania, consultations on foreign policy planning and analysis issues were held in Astana at Department directors’ level, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

Kazakh side was represented by Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Analysis and Strategic Planning of Kazakhstan MFA Anuarbek Akhmetov, Lithuanian side - by Head of the Department of Strategic Management and Analysis of Lithuanian MFA Marius Janukonis.

During consultations, parties shared their experience in foreign policy planning and government management field, exchanged views on entire spectrum of international and regional agenda, and also agreed to continue the practice of regular consultations between departments.

Event participants emphasized the importance of strengthening the partnership between Kazakhstan and Lithuania and confirmed their commitment to further expand constructive and trusting dialogue between countries, in particular in the spirit of the Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and EU.

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