19.03.2025, 21:00 1561

Kazakhstan Develops International Cooperation in Migration

The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akan Rakhmetullin, met with the Regional Director of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Arthur Erken, press service of the Kazakh MFA reports.

During the meeting, the parties discussed a wide range of issues related to Kazakhstan’s cooperation with the IOM, including joint efforts to prevent illegal migration and combat human trafficking.

First Deputy Minister Rakhmetullin expressed his appreciation for IOM’s support of the Almaty Process, which aims to address challenges associated with mixed migration flows in Central Asia.

The parties also exchanged views on preparations for the upcoming Ministerial Conference of the Almaty Process, which will take place in Baku on April 24, 2025. During this event, Kazakhstan will officially assume the chairmanship of the process.

The Kazakh diplomat emphasized that, as the chair of the Almaty Process, Kazakhstan intends to strengthen regional cooperation with IOM within the framework of the UN Regional Center for Sustainable Development, which is currently being established in Almaty.

The Almaty Process is a regional consultative platform on refugee protection and international migration covering Central Asia. It was established in 2013. The Secretariat is located in Almaty.

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